Lights, camera ... action !

A magical world of sights and sounds

I have spent countless hours combing the resources to create a selection of the best sounds and
images available. Only part of which can ever fit here, which is good in that you will get a new set
every so often. You know what that implies ... come back again and soon !

A salutation and a tribute to a fine young lady. The sweeeetest, cutest star ever
to appear on the Indian screen ...

What's with Neelam ?, I am often asked. They think at my age I should be a fan of Madhubala's, which
incidently I am.
Neelam, you see, had every thing before she ever came to the industry. Looks,
education, upbringing, wealth ... lots and lots of it !
She does what she does because she
likes to do it. And she does it within her own standards of decency. In a mud slinging, back stabbing,
cut throat 'dog eat dog' environment, she is a beacon of morality and character.

If that is not worth admiring I don't know what is, and I have no problem drawing my inspiration from
a younger person.
Are my attempts to hide behind intellect too obvious ?
Okay forget all
the above. Just look into those mischievous eyes and you will see sparks flying.
And that smile
... That smile could start wars !

Click on Neelam's picture and you would be whisked away to her home within this site. You will be delighted
... and that's a promise.

Where would you like to go ?

It could take a few minutes for either page to download.
