Your 'Road Map' or 'Tree' to where everything is.

I have made some changes to the way you navigated, moved around, through this site. The old system,
where every page offered the option to navigate you directly to any other location on the site, was getting
confusing as the site started to grow, there are four times as many pages now ... and I am building more
as fast as I can.
Now you can only travel in a 'straight line', from page1 to page2 and from
there to page3 and so on ... just like the way you would read a book. The obvious advantage is simplicity.
No confusion, no chance of missing any thing.

Realizing that this would be very time consuming, I divided the site into 'areas' or 'blocks', just
like the 'chapters' in a book. From this page you can select the 'chapter' you want to to visit and go
there directly. Once you are done there you can keep on moving forward, 'reading the book', or return
back here to 'jump' to another area of interest.
Look at the graphic below and you will know what
I mean.

The latest ... The hotest !
