You have just entered an informal, nonconformist, downright friendly site. It is the watering hole
for my friends, family, globe trotters, wanna-be writers, those who love to laugh (mostly at the expense
of others, but have the capacity to laugh at themselves) and those who can appreciate a piece of juicy
gossip just as much as the next person.
So take those shoes off, let the hair down, roam around
the place and enjoy your visit !

What will you find here ?

Well, I intend to provide a platform for information on our friends. Who is where, what are they upto
and why.
The hottest news, the coolest act, the funniest jokes and the buzz making the rounds.
Exchange of ideas, support, opportunities ... a mail room from where you can directly access any
body ... a bill board where you can post messages ... links to useful businesses, companies and organizations.
Don't ask me ... tell me what you want here. Ofcourse I can't do all this without your help, so visit
frequently, write to me often to tell me what's up with you (or some one else), send me your links and
your pictures (your dog's too).


It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. It is my intention to post a lot of pictures.
Pictures of you, your friends and family, the neat places you went to. Events from around the world.
Celebrations and celebrities (some times caught just in the act).
Movies and movie stars, from
Chaplin to Bullock, Shahrukh Khan to Kajol, you will find them all (maybe not all at the same time as
I will update frequently to give you fresh images on a regular basis). When you find your favourite star,
simply click on his/her image and you will get to see more pictures of that individual.
all ... you will be treated to a lots of images of the Fabulous Neelam Kothari. There is a facts-sheet
on her. Her address and e-mail will let you write to her, and I will gladly post your messages to her
right here on these pages.

Like all good web sites this one is 'always' under construction. On any given day one or more pages
may not be available to you. Don't panic, they will be back with a new 'improved' look the next day,
or the day after, or the ...
Thank you. SFA

The next page is the 'Legend Page' which will tell you what all is available and where is it located.
It is also the only page which will allow you to 'jump' directly to a particular location without
going through every thing in
